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dc.contributor.authorKusumorini, Nastiti
dc.contributor.authorMaheswari, Hera
dc.contributor.authorManalu, Wasmen
dc.description.abstractDeposited calsiurn makes of the eggshell is influrtce of the light The objective of the study was evaluate exposed of monochromatic light to obtain basic information of the physiology aspect of calcium satus in the quail which direct relation with quality of the eggshell. Two hundred ad seventy quails were divided into nine treatments of light, with ten replications and three quails in each replication. The treatments were without Iight, contrcls with 15 and 25 W, re4 green, and blue lights with intensities of 15 and 25 Iux. Control treatment ussd incandescent bulb. The red, green, and blue lights were provided by light emitting diodes (LED). All lights treabneRt were given for 14 h daily, started from 17.00 to 07.00. Parameters measured were serum calcium concentrations, calcium contents in bone and the eggshell,weights and thichness of the eggshell. The data obtained were analyzed by aneiysis of vsriance (ANOVA), and the difflsences between treatments groups were subjecd for Eunm's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). All of the data analyzed were done GLM (general linear model) procedure the SPAS propm. Quails exposed to monochromatic light had higher serum calcium concentrations and calcium contents in bone (P<0.05). Blue light could be used to increase quality of the eggshell.en
dc.publisherBiologi FMIPA Universitas Diponegoro
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume XVIII, Nomor 1, Maret 2010;
dc.titleKajian fisiologis status kalsium puyuh (Coturnix coturnix coturnix) setelah pemberian cahaya kromatiken
dc.title.alternativeBuletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi (Buletin of Anatomy and Physiology) dh, Sellulaen

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