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dc.contributor.authorRoosita, Katrin
dc.contributor.authorKusharto, Clara M.
dc.contributor.authorKusumorini, Nastiti
dc.description.abstractThe aims of the study is to investigate the effect of Jarnu Postpartum on uterus involution and milk production after giving birth. The specific objectives are to study the effect of Jamu Postpartum on uterus involution and milk production on rats. The Jamu was made from 57 kinds of material. All materials were obtained from the surrounding areas of Sukajzdi village. The material can be grow wildly or cultivated by local fanners. The nutrient content of jamu was analyzed by Pajar (2002), it consisted of protein 12,06 % (w/w), fat 3,66 % (w/w), magnesium 0,133 ppm, iron 68:5 ppm, zinc 76,3 ppm. The qualitative analysis of jamu showed that it also contained a!kaloid. flavanoid, phenol, 2nd triterpene . Thirty-three (33) postpartum dams (female rats) were randomly selected on th~ee groups i.e. 1. the lactation without jsmu supplementation as control, 2. the laccation with jamu supplementation, and 3. the non-lactation without Jamu as reference group. Thereafter, the contrcil grR P and "jamu" given groups were divided inio five groups by day of lactation ( 3 7 5t h , 71h, 14'". 21"' and each groups consist of 3 dams), the reference group also contain 3 dams. Each dams was kept in different cages, at room temperature 2 2 - 2 3 ' ~a~n d with 12 hours light-dark cycle. They were fed ad libitum on a commercial rat chow and water. Dose of "jamu" was given as recommended traditionally for nursing mothers at Sukajadi village. The "jamu" was given to the dams as much as 0.370 glkg b.b by force feeding started from first to seven days of postpartum (day of lactation). The milk production and uterus weight were collected from the dams and the nonlactation dams on 31h, 5th. 7th, 1 4th, and 2 lth of lactation period. Statistically the uterus involution of jamu-given dams groups were significantly faster than a control groups. The milk production of jamu-given dams groups were significantly higher than control groups on 7"' day of lactation.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleThe effect of traditional herbs medicine "Galohgor" on uterus involution and milk production of Rats (Rattus sp.) made in Sukajadi village, Tamansari Subdistrict, Bogor, Indonesiaen
dc.title.alternativeProceedings of international symposium on biomedicinesen

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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