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dc.contributor.authorSudarwant, Mirnawati
dc.contributor.authorLatif, Hadri
dc.contributor.authorNoordin, Muchidin
dc.description.abstractA number of Bulk milk samples had been collected fm two farming area in district of Bogor. All samples were examined using different test such as total somatic cell count, total bacteria count, rnastitis test, fat and protein value and acidity (pH). The aim of this research is to evaluate the relationship of the somatic cells munt (SCC) to subclinical mastitis cases and to improve the milk quality by using Indonesian milk standard (Indonesian National Standard: SNI 01-3141-1990). The resuit showed that on!y 17% of the samples had fotai somatic u?II count less than 400.000 celllrnl and 83% above the SNI, 01-3141-7998. Amding to IDF regulation its mean 83% of the samples came from the herds which suffered from suklinical rnastitis. Furthermore with IPB-1 mastitis test showed that 77% of the samples had positive reactiy. The result also showed that 71% of the samples had total bacteria count less Man 1 x 10 CFUfrnl (SNI), but when this bacteria count evaluated with International Standard, it Is only 38% have a g d milk qualify (< 250.000 CFUlml). An increased level of somatic ells negatively affects the milk fat and protein, event the change h total fat and protein is not high (SNI). The pH value showed that 75% of samples had pH between 6.3 to 7.5 (SNI) and 25 % were out of this parameters. This research have proven that there is a close relationship between the number of somatic cejls, sub-clinical rnastitis and the milk quality.en
dc.publisherAsian Association of Veterinary School
dc.titleThe ralationship of the somatic cell counting to sub-clinical mastitis and to improve milk qualityen

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