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Variability of chlorophyll-a concentration of the norther Sumbawa waters based on SeaWiFS satellite data

dc.contributor.authorNababan, Bisman
dc.contributor.authorZulkarnaen, Diki
dc.contributor.authorGaol, Jonson Lumban
dc.identifier.issn2085 - 6695
dc.description.abstractVariability of chlorophyll-a concentrations of the northern Sumbawa waters was investigated based on SeaWiFS satellite data for the period of January 1998-December 2007. Chlorophyll-a concentration was estimated employing OC4v4 algorithm. Chlorophyll-a concentrations of SeaWiFS satellite data were obtanined from the Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA archiev data. In general, fluctuations of chlorophyll-a concentration of the northern Sumbawa waters had three patterns i.e the maximum with a range of 0,21-0,74 mg/m3 occured during the Weast Season (November-February), the minimum with a range of 0.12-0.15 mg/m3 occured Transition Season I (March-April), and relatively high (second peak) with a range of 0.21-.036 mg/m3 occured during the mid-East Season until the beginning of Transition Season II (July-September).en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 1 No. 2 Tahun 2009;
dc.titleViabilitas konsentrasi klorofil-a di perairan utara Sumbawa berdasarkan data satelit SeaFiFSen
dc.titleVariability of chlorophyll-a concentration of the norther Sumbawa waters based on SeaWiFS satellite data
dc.title.alternativee-Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 Tahun 2009en

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