Browsing e-Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis by Title
Now showing items 23-42 of 54
Marine sediment characteristics at Karimun Java Sea based on stratigraphic profile analysis, total suspended solid (TSS) and grain- size analysis (granulometry)
(2011)A sedimentology survey was conducted during “Pelayaran Kebangsaan” research activities with a marine vessel of "Baruna Jaya VIII" in Karimun Java Sea. The objectives of the research were to determine the characteristics ... -
Massa air subtropical di perairan Halmahera
(2010)Research of water masses by using conductivity temperature depth (CTD), are conducted in the eastern path of the Indonesia Throughflow (ITF) in the Halmahera, Seram and Banda seas during March-April 2007 under the Expedition ... -
Microbial community during bioremediation experimental on oil apill in coastal of Pari Island
(2011)There is an information how to identify hydrocarbon degrading bacteria for bioremediation of marine oil spill. We have Bioremediation treatment for degradation of oil spill on Pari island and need two kind of experiment ... -
Mikro alga untuk penyerapan emisi CO2 dan pengolahan limbah cair di lokasi industri
(2011)The microalgae incorporated photobioreactor (PBR) is a highly efficient biological system for converting carbon dioxide (CO2) gases into biomass and treating wastewater. In this study, the freshwater microalgae Chlorella ... -
Model dispersi bahang hasil buangan air proses pendinginan PLTGU Cilegon CCPP ke perairan pantai Margasari di sisi barat teluk Banten
(2010)Thermal dispersion model based on the hydrodynamics model was applied on PLTGU Cilegon (electric power industry based on gas and steam) at the coast of Margasari, Pulo Ampel District, Serang-Banten. This PLTGU used around ... -
Morfologi dan biomassa sel spons Aaptos aaptos dan Petrosia sp.
(2011)Aaptos aaptos and Petrosia sp. sponges are known for their ability to produce potential marine bioactive compound. As a metazoan animal with simple body structure, the morphology and it association with symbiont-bacteria ... -
Morfologi Dan Biomassa Sel Spons Aaptos aaptos Dan Petrosia sp.
(2011-12)Spons Aaptos dan Petrosia sp. diketahui memiliki kemampuan menghasilkan senyawa bioaktif yang poensial. Sebagai hewan metazoan dengan struktur tubuh yang sederhana, morfologi dan asosiasi yang bentuk oleh spons dengan ... -
Pemeliharaan gelondongan kerapu sunu (Plectroponus leopardus) dengan persentase pergantian air yang berbeda
(2010)Coral trout grouper (Plectropomus leopardus) is the prospective aquaculture commodities with a high demand. Fingerling culture is the one of shortly rearing time methods for grow out in net-cages in order to produce ... -
Pemetaan daerah potensial penangkapan ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) dan tongkol (Euthynnus affinis) di perairan utara Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
(2009)Potential fishing ground mapping of skipjack and frigate tuna was determined based on sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a concentration. The objectives of study were to analyze the temporal and spatial variability ... -
Pemetaan dan analisis index vegetasi mangrove di pulau Saparua, Maluku Tengah
(2010)2TMapping and index vegetation analyses of mangrove in coastal areas of Saparua Island, Central Moluccas was conducted using Landsat 7/ETM+ satellite data acquired in April to May 2007. The results showed that the distributions ... -
Pemetaan substrat dasar perairan dangkal karang congkak dan lebar kepulauan seribu menggunakan citra satelit quick bird
(2010)The objective of this study was to explore the capability of high resolution satellite data of QuicBird to map the characteristics of the bottom shallow water (habitat) using the transformation method of two bands (blue ... -
Pemetaan tingkat resiko tsunami di kabupaten Sikka, Nusa Tenggara Timur
(2009)Tsunami risk level mapping in Sikka country, East Nusa Tenggara was conducted using geographical information system with sensitivity and susceptibility approaches. Sensitivity level was analyzed using run up data of Flores ... -
Pengaruh calsium dan fosfor terhadap pertumbuhan, efisiensi pakan, kandungan mineral dan komposisi tubuh juvenil ikan kerapu macan (Epinephulus fuscoguttatus)
(2010)The objectives of this study were to know concentration of calcium (Ca) and posphorus (P) in feed for growth, feed efficiency, proximate composition of the body and mineral content of brown marbled grouper juvenile. The ... -
Pengaruh Musim Dan Kedalaman Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Kelangsungan Hidup Kerang Mutiara (Pinctada maxima) Di Teluk Kodek, Lombok Utara
(2011-12)Usaha budidaya kerang mutiara (Pinctada maxima) di perairan Nusa Tenggara Barat khususnya dan di daerah lain umumnya, dikeluhkan dengan kematian massal anakan kerang mutiara pada ukuran lebar cangkang antara 3-4 cm. Kematian ... -
Pengaruh musim dan kedalaman terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup kerang mutiara (Pinctada maxima) di teluk Kodek, Lombok Utara
(2011)The pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima) farming in the West Nusa Tenggara waters in particular and in other areas, complained to the mass mortality of pearl oysters saplings on shell width between 3-4 cm. The mass mortality, ... -
Perencanaan waktu tetas telur ikan kerapu dengan penggunaan suhu inkubasi yang berbeda
(2010)production, the seed availability was the most important. Eggs are still as limited factor in hatchery production, for this reason the success of eggs transportation is one as base of successful production of seed. Planning ... -
Pestisida organoklorine di sedimen pesisir muara Citarum, Teluk Jakarta: peran penting fraksi halus sedimen sebagai pentransport DDT dan proses diagenesanya
(2009)DDT (1,1,1-Tricholor-2,2-bits(chlorophenil)ethane) and DDE (1,1-Tricholor-2,2-bits(chlorophenil)-ethylene) were identifies in the coastal sediment of Citarum Estuary, Jakarta Bay. Eight stations of the sediment sampling ... -
Pola transformasi gelombang dengan menggunakan model RCPWave pada pantai Bau-Bau, provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara
(2009)We wind-wave generated on deep water propagates into shallow water they will transformed into several processes such as refraction, shoaling, reflection, diffraction, and finally collapsing. This research has objective to ... -
Potensi energi arus laut untuk pembangkit tenaga listrik di kawasan pesisir Flores Timur, NTT
(2011)The electrical energy is one of the important needs for coastal communities particularly in small islands that has not reached by national electricity network. In order to fulfill this particular electricity needs, we do ... -
Quantification of tuna fish target strength using quantitative echo sounder
(2009)A preliminary research programme was carried out in order to study the acoustic wave reflection or target strength (TS) of tuna fish using a quantitative echo sounder (QES). The relationships between TS to fork length (FL) ...