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dc.contributor.authorRozyandra, Cynthia
dc.contributor.authorDarma, Kusuma
dc.description.abstractSobir, Cynthia Rozyandra & Kusuma Danna. 2006. Morphological variability of collection Banana in South of Lampung resident. Floribunda 3(1): 19-27.-Lampung was famous as main production ofbanana in Indonesia, particularly in South ofLampung regency. In order to elucidate the genetic basis of banana, it was collected 21 banana germplasms from Lampung Selatan and grown in Pasir Kuda Research Station of Center for Tropical Fruit Studies.Tite potential of the gennplasm was elucidated through phenotipyc variability analisis by employing 41 morphological characters. Dendogram generated using SAHN-UPGMA (Sequential, Agglomerative, Hierarchical, and Nested-Unweighted Pair-Group Method, Arithmetic-average) indicated that the evaluated accessions separated at 0.56 coefficient of dissimilarity, subsequently at 0.45 level coefficient of dissimilarity, the•accessions divided into five•primary groups. A Principal Component Analysis resulted that 81.0120% of genetic variability succesfully revealed by ten principles components, score plot based on first and second principle component described 61.26,_% of variability and split the accessions into six primary groups. These result indicated that grouping pattern of both analisys not equal, this was probably because.of 41 component simplified into two component that described lower than 70% of variability. However, the grouping has been succesfully revealed the putative genome type of the collected banana accesions.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectMorphological variabilityen
dc.subjectMusa spp.en
dc.titleStudi keragaman morfologi aksesi pisang Koleksi dari kabupaten lampung selatanen
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Floribunda Vol 3 No 1 2006en

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