Kualitas fermentasi dan nutrisi silase ransum komplit berbasis hasil samping jagung, sawit dan ubi kayu (in vitro) (Fermentation and nutrition quality of complete feed silage based on corn, palm and cassava by product in vitro)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate quality of fermentation and nutrition of complete feed silage based on corn (SRKJ), palm (SRKS) and cassava (SRKU) by products. Each complete feed was ensiled separately in 50 litre silo and were opened 6 weeks after ensiling. The silage products were evaluated in terms of physical (colour, smell, and presence of moulds), chemical (pH, N-amonia content, WSC loss and dry matter loss) and microbial properties (number of lactic acid bacteria). While nutritive value of silage was determined by in vitro digestibility. The data was analyzed by using Completely Randomized Design with three treatments and six replications, followed by LSD test. The result showed that all complete feed silage treatments were having good quality. Fermentation and nutrition quality of silage was affected with kind of complete feed silage (P<0.05). Complete feed silage based on cassava by products (SRKU) showed the best fermentation and nutrition quality with N-NHi content, VFA, dry matter digestibilty and organic digestibility were 8.16 mM/L, 116.83 mM/L, 63.25% dan 62.21% respectively It is concluded that fermentation and nutritive value of complete feed silage based on cassava were better than complete feed silage based on palm and corn by products.