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dc.contributor.authorS. Wulandari
dc.contributor.authorR. Hidayat
dc.contributor.authorT. Toharmat
dc.description.abstractTo overcome the shortage of tropical forages in the dry season, it needs to develop an appropriate technology to preserve forages like ensilage. A good quality of silage is gained by suppressing the activities of various unexpected endogenous plant enzymes and epiphytic microbes commonly found in plant like L. plantarum. To increase the nutrient digestibility, Phanerochaete crysosporium was added to degrade lignin. The influence of wilting was examined to clarify the influence of water contents of the forage, and to allow P. crysosporium inoculant to proliferate and produce enzymes. The research was conducted in three stages: 1). P. crysosporium and the inoculation of L. plantarum on the quality of Elephant grass silage. Results of the research indicated that: I). Prehydrolysis of the old of Elephant grass by P. crysosporium increased in Saco digestibility of dry matter and organic matter. To meet these quality of grass, the dosage of 10s spore Preparation of tnoculants, 2). The influence of prehydrolyzation of Elephant grass using enzyme produced by P. crysosporium on its nutritive values and 3). The influence of prehydrolyzation of Elephant grass using enzyme produced /kg grass was applied. 2). The ensilage and the L. plantarum addition did not increase the quality of prehydrolyzed Elephant grass, but the procedure could be applied in the forage preservation.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengaruh hidrolisis enzimatis dari Phanerochaete crysosporium dan pemberian inokulan Lactobacillus plantarum terhadap nilai nutrisi silase rumput gajah (the effect of enzimatic prehydrolyzation from phanerochaete crysosporium and Lactobacillus plantarum)en

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