Dynamic processes of land acquisition does migrant gain from the changes of land tenure ststem emprirical evidenca in the lore lindu national park indonesia
The proposed paper analyses an important question related to the dynamic processes of land acquisition along with the changes of government regulations., tak¬ing the case of tlte Lore Lindu National Park in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, as an example. The analysis consists of two parts. The first part of the analysis deals with processes of impoverishment in the area of the Lore Lindu National Park. The dy¬namic process of land acquisition was analysed by using tobit model divided into three important process of land acquisition are forest land, family land and purclnse land acquisition. The results showed that there is a close relationship between poverty and forest land acquisition. Family land acquisition is influenced by various factors, including the ownership of forest land and household ethnicity where local/ indige¬nous people tend to bequeath their lowland or rice land to tlieir extended family. This means that they still maintain their values and that land is a source of self-insurance. The process of land acquisition by purchase is related to the welfare status of the Iwusehold and the household's ethnicity. The wealthier households and non-lo¬cal/migrant people accumulate land through purchase from other households while tlie poorer households use their family labour to clear the forest land. The findings on different modes of land acquisition shoxv that when the traditional mode of land ac¬quisition through clearing forest and inheritance become uncommon and xvlien land becomes scarce, this activates a process of land acquisition through purchase. The second part of the analysis deals with the potential of current policy approacltes to solve the complexities of the land acquisition which lead a potential conflict between villager and villager and between villager and government.
- Faculty of Forestry [188]