Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Evaluasi Keragaman Galur Mutan Artemisia Hasil Iradiasi Gamma 

      Purnamaningsih, Ragapadmi | Syukur, Muhamad | Yunita, Rossa | Lestari, E. G. (2010)
      Cases of Malaria diseases attack in Indonesia has been increasing. Plasmodium falciparum the cause of malaria disease is now resistant to the usual medicine. One of malaria medicine which recommended by WHO artimisinine ...
    • Pengaruh Iradiasi Sinar Gamma terhadap Regenerasi Kalus Jeruk Siam Hasil Kultur Protoplas 

      Wulansari, Aida | Purwito, Agus | Husni, Ali | Sudarmonowati, Enny (2012)
      Tangerine cv. Siam has a quite sweet flavour, easily peeld skin, fragant, soft and juicy flesh. But still has relatively many seeds (15-20 seeds per fruit) and the skin color that has not been so attractive, so it can not ...