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dc.contributor.editorKomar, Tajudin Edy
dc.description.abstractIndonesia ranks as the fourth largest in the world in terms of possession of tropical peat land. Originally, most of the peat land was in the form of production forest, managed under forest concession system (HPH) or which is now referred to as IUPHHK (permit for utilization of wood forest product). Peat swamp forest is famous and their wood is exploited due to existence of one commercial tree species, namely ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Mig.) Kurz.). Silvicultural systems used in utilization of peat swamp forest were Indonesian selective cutting (TPI) (year 1972), Indonesian Selective cutting and planting (TPTI)(year 1989), and improved silvicultural system, over exploitation, weak supervision by the application of silvicultural system, over exploitation, weak supervision by the government, lack of concern by the forest concession company in sustainable forest management, illegal logging, forest conservation and forest fire, make most peat swamp forest couses not only tha reduction of productivity and fuction, social function and environmental function. Even, each year, such degraded forest become source of disaster in the form of forest fire (smoke) and flood (destructtion of hydrology system). Therefore, for maintaining the existing forest and rehabilitating the degraded forest, there is a need for appropriate silvicultural system and practices, particularly for salvaging and cultivating ramin species (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz.) to prevent extinction. Rehabilitation of such degraded peat swamp forest should become a part os strategy and action plan for Peat Land Sustainable Management, which is now under preparation.en
dc.publisherPusat Penelitian dan pengembangan hutan dan konservasi alam
dc.subjectpenanaman jaluren
dc.subjectsistem silvikultur intensifen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleEvaluasi dan Penyesuaian Sistem Silvikultur Hutan Rawa Gambut, Khususnya Jenis Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz.) di Indonesiaen
dc.title.alternativeAlternatif Kebijakan dalam Pelestarian dan Pemanfaatan Ramin

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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