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dc.contributor.authorMasyud, Burhanuddin
dc.description.abstractThis study was carried out to know reproductive pattern of spotted dove (Streptopelia chinensis) and ringdove (Streptopelia risoria) in captivity. Fifteen pairs of spotted dove and seventeen pairs of ringdove were used to identify reproductive pattern. Each pairs of the birds were cared in cage (1,5x75x 2.0 m). Result of this research showed that both types of the birds had the same pattern of reproduction, i.e : age ofpuberty (first mating) or onset of first egg production Mas 6 5 -7 months, avarage clutch size was two eggs, hatching period was 14.47 ^ 0.74 days, egg production period was 27.11 ± 6.72 days to 48.79 ± 3.53 days, and hatching rate was 55% to 68%. The length of sperm head was 13.00 ± 0.62 pm to 14.73 ± 0.46 pm and the width of sperm head was 1.00 pm and the length of sperm tad was 87.00 ± 9 59 fim to 104.00 ± 6.22 pm. Sperm motility and concentration were relatively the same 50-60% and 27Ox Iff to 710 x Iff respectively. The birds were identified as temporal monogamous mating type.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectStreptopelia chinensisen
dc.subjectStreptopelia risoriaen
dc.subjectreproductive patternen
dc.subjectmatting typeen
dc.titlePola reproduksi burung tekukur (Streptopelia chinensis) dan puter {Streptopelia risoria) di Penangkaranen

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