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dc.contributor.authorLamid, Astuti
dc.contributor.authorSuwarti, Susi
dc.contributor.authorKaryadi, Lies
dc.contributor.authorMatulessy, Paul
dc.description.abstractThe sludy ercenined the em d DocosaHexaenoic Acid (OH4 on @h and development of wfpalienl rehabiiiid-on of children under live with severe malnutrition. Sample wss ckldren whose age from 6 to 24 months sulferng from swm mdnuiriijm with weighl /q index of WHO standard of Z score 1-3,0s tmdaro' deviation (#I . The total s m p k (n=44)w ere admilfed followed !he study completely 44. Then, they were grouped randornty into huo ~ p w r p sn meb: DHA qoup and &mi p pwh ich e& g w pc onskts of 22 children DHA group will be gtven a packet of outpatid rehabililalion plus DliA whereas cmld gvoup will be p e n a packet of outpath?nt rehab~lttdflnon ly. interventim will be @fl for 3 rnonih. The packel of adpallent rehabiMa!idn conskts of t&meM of W w s dkease, nuirition extensbn and 200 grm skimmed milk powder for a week as f dsu pplement. DHA dose given w& &ut 60 mgday DHA will be added info skimmed milk powder Dafa wss coiIeded in the begmhg md the end of study were: body we@!, hi*, clinksd exmindion, dady fwd conswnplmn. mental mi- index (#Dl) psychmotor development index (PDI). The im~menl d bady we@ Mer 3 month intervention of the DHA p u p was 0,7 kg compared to conlrpl group wss 45 kg. No st@ificant diIfweM:es were hnd in the incmenf of body weight between two groups. The score of #Dl and PD/ d DHA gvwp increased aRer 3 months intervention but statktfcd ma(@ showed there were no siMkant dfimces in the jmrwnenl dMDI avld PDI &tween fwo groups (p > 0,05).en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol XIII;No 3
dc.titlePengaruh Docosahexaenoic Acid (Dha) Pada Tumbuh Kembang Anak Balita Gid Buruk Yang Dirawat Jalan [the effect of DocosaHexaenoic Acid (DHA) on growth and development of outpatrent rehabilitation of children under-five with severe malnutrition]en
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol. XIII, No. 3, 2002en

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