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dc.contributor.authorRahmania, Fathya
dc.contributor.authorMunandar, Aris
dc.description.abstractA study was conducted to explore phenology and tree architectural form of four species of common ornamental (Cassia surattensis, Erythrina crista-galli, Spathodea campanulata and Maniltoa gemmipara). A survey was conducted at two different cities in the sense agroclimatic zone i.e. Bogor city (wet low region) and Tangerang city (dry low region). The result showed that C. surattensis, E. crista-galli and S. campanulata were synchronously and all yearly round blooming .M. gemmtpara, a flushing ornament tree, was intermittently and asynchronously flushing. C. surattensis was more actively blooming at dryer region while E.cristagally was at wetter region. Blooming behavior of the other two trees were less affected by climatic pattern. The survey also revealed that the three ornamental trees i.e. C. surattensis s S. campanulata M. gemmipara showed having Leuwenberg Model while E.cristagalli showed Koriba Model. Leuwenberg Model trees have monopodial stem, sympodial and orthotopic branching development, terminal blooming behavior. Koriba Model have sympodial stem, plagiotropic, and terminally blooming behavior.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol 1;No 1
dc.titleStudi Fenologi Dan Determinas1 Arsitektur Pohon Hias (Phenology and Architectural Form Determination of Ornamental Trees)en
dc.title.alternativeJumal Lanskap Indonesia, Vol 1/1/2005en

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