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dc.contributor.authorSarma, Ma'mun
dc.contributor.authorPuspitawati, Herien
dc.contributor.authorMuljono, Pudji
dc.contributor.authorBartin, Tasril
dc.description.abstractA learning guardian (Pamong Belajar) model development in te supervision of home industry is important. This is important due to the poverty problems becoming more complex and the problems hasve its own characteristics among regions and social group of society. Based on this phenomenon, it is required an intervention model of povery alleviation suitable to a specific problem, targets, focus and the competency of the guardian, thus the intervention model would be able to create strong socio economics of the society and their welfare. The objectives of the research are to: 1) describe the characteristics of the learning guardian, education and training, self development, environment and the performance of learning guardian to economic empowerment;. 2) to desctibe the characteristics of home industry and the perception of home industry towards the activity of home industry; and 3) to analyze the relationship and the influence of among variables. The study was conducted in West Sumatra and the design of this research is a descriptive correlational survey. The respondent is all of the learning guardians in West Sumatra who have implemented a unit study of non fpormal education in community economic development. ,and the respondents are also hom industry under the learning guardian. The results of the first year are as follows: 1) the learning guardians are at the age of old and sufficient of educational level, but tie education and training sofar is not sufficient yet, and there is no support from the government to self development and environmental improvement; 2) the home industry that are supervised by the learning guardians in the category of the beginner, low profit but the market oprtunity is still open, and the perception of home industry toward the learning guardians is that they often analyze the problems and the needs of home industry but they are able to nalyze the resources and good interaction with home industries; and 3) the environment of the learning guardian is the only factor that is significantly affected the performance of learning guardians in the supervision of the home industries.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectLearning guardian, performance of learning guardian, home industryen
dc.titlePengembangan Model Pamong Belajar dalam Pembinaan Industri Kecil Untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat (a Learning Guardian Model Development in Home Industry to Improve Community Welfare)en
dc.title.alternativeProsiding Seminar Hasil- Hasil Penelitian IPB 2009 Bidang Sosial dan Ekonomien

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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