Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Food comsumtion and nutritional status of brestfeeding mothers and infants 

      Sukandar, Dadang | Mudjajanto, Eddy S. (2007)
      Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi sosial ekonomi, konsumsi ibu menyusui dan bayi, frekuensi konsumsi pangan ibu menyusui serta menganalisis status gizi ibu menyusui dan bayi. Desain penelitian ini ...
    • Studi tentang praktek menyusui pada rumahtangga miskin dan tidak miskin 

      Mudjajanto, Eddy S. | Khomsan, Ali | Sukandar, Dadang | Anwar, Faisal | Riyadi, Hadi (2006)
      Breast-feeding is a natural way to feed babies. A good breastfeeding practice is important for a continued growth, health, and nutrients for babies and young children. Therefore, the period of exclusive breast-feeding is ...
    • Studi tentang status gizi pada rumahtangga miskin dan tidak miskin 

      Riyadi, Hadi | Khomsan, Ali | Dadang S | Faisal A | Mudjajanto, Eddy S. (2006)
      Nutritional status is a body hearth condition of a person or a group of people resulting from the consumption, absorption, and utilization of nutrients in food. This study aimed to asses nutritional status of children under ...