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dc.contributor.authorSeptiana, Aisyah Tri
dc.contributor.authorDwiyanti, Hidayah
dc.contributor.authorMuchtadi, Deddy
dc.contributor.authorZakaria, Fransisca Rungkat
dc.description.abstractCoronary heart disease is caused among others by atherosclerosis, which is the result of oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDlj and cholesterol accumulation on the macrophage. This were reporfed to be inhibited bv temulawak (Curcuma xanthorizza Roxbj. The objective of this study was to find out the types and consentrations of temulawak extract which could inhibit LDL oxidation, and fo find ouf the effect of temulawak exfmct on the accumulation of cholesterol on macrophage. Temulawak was extracted by water, ethanol, aceton and dichloromefane. lnhibition of LDL oxidation was analyzed by measuring the level of malonaldehyde content of the oxidized LDLCuSO4 which were given wafer extract, ethanol extract, aceton extract and dichlorometane extract. of temulawak at concentrations of 43 pg, 430 pg, and 4300 a per ml of LDL. The percentage of malonaldehyde reduction due to addition of water, ethanol, acetone and dichkmthane e~iracwt ere 44.27; 47.68; 51.83 and 61.2 respectively. The inhibition of LDL oxidation by temulawak extract depends on the concentrations. The percentage of malonaMehyde reduction due to addition of temulawak extract of 43 yg, 430 pg, and 4300 pg per ml of LDL were 43.63; 56.72; and 53.89 Concentrations of temulawak exfmct resuiting in fhe highest inhibition of LDL oxidation was 430 pg/ml L a . Temulawak extract tends to inhibit cholesterol accumulation on the macrophage. There is a correlation between the inhibition of cholesterol accumulation on the macrophage and the inhibition of LDL oxidation by temulawak extractid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePenghambatan oksidasi LDL dan akumulasi kolesterol pada makrofag oleh ekstrak temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb)id

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