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dc.contributor.authorHasibuan, Zainal A.
dc.contributor.authorRubhasy, Albaar
dc.description.abstractAs indicated in many studies, a modern agriculture posts several problems. It tends to not envirpnmentally friendly due to chemical usage, produced more waste, and the land is forced to produced exceeding its capacity. Beside that in the modern agricultural supply chain, farmers (producers) always in weeker posituon compare to distributors (intermediaries) and costumers. Lack of access to updated information leads to a poor judgment on what to plant, when to plant, hoe much to plant, and where to sale. This imbalanced of agricultural supply chain reduced the farm
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleIndonesian E-Agriculture Strategic Framework: A Direction of ICT Usage as Enabler in Agricultureid
dc.title.alternativeWorkshop ICT Adoption in Agriculture and Agribusinessid
dc.title.alternativeAFITA 2010 International Conference, The Quality Information for Competitive Agricultural Based Production System and Commerceid

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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