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dc.contributor.authorAbdurachman, Edi
dc.contributor.authorTat, Yenni
dc.description.abstractIn promoting the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) to increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of the government services, the Government of Indonesia has issued a Presidential Instruction No. 3/2003. The instruction asks that all Government institutions must make use of the ICT to increase its public services. In line with this, Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia (MoA) has also done some efforts toward this; one of them is Web-site contest among units within MoA. The contest has been done since 2004. The contestants are grouped into three categories: 1. Directorate General/Agency level; 2. Agricultural Provincial Office; 3. Agricultural District Office. To implement the web-site contest, the MoA has appointed five jurors, which assisted by the Secretariat Committee Team. To evaluate whether any significant differences among jurors in giving the score to the web-site evaluated and what factors that might be related to the web-site scores, some analysis have been done. The variables are included in the analysis are Juror score, Juror, Level of the institution, Previous achievement in the contest, Location of the institution whether in Java or outside Java. The statistical methods used in the analysis are Multiple Linear Regression and Analysis of Variance. The analysis is based on the data from the MoA Web-site Contest for the year of 2008-2010. This research concludes that the jurors giving the score on web-site evaluated objectively. The factors that affecting the quality of the web-site are the institution level and achievement of the previous year (the best 3 or not).id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleIndependence in Evaluating Web-Sites Within Ministry of Agricultureid
dc.title.alternativeE-Agricultural Services and Businessid

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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