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dc.contributor.authorSailah, Illah
dc.description.abstractMarketplaces requir~ 51 graduates have a general competency, meanwhile the content of the courses offered ore quite deep and specific. Regarding this government issues a Kepmendiknas stating the changes in curriculum, from content-oriented to competencyoriented. This new curriculum is currently considered to be suitable for the need of work places. Therefore the curriculum needs formulating r:arefully. This paper describes the reasons why the competency-based curriculum is very significant, and then describes the steps taken in improving the curriculum together with [he institution having responsibility to study and develop education. From this paper it can be seen that the changes in curriculum alone are neit enough to produce graduates suitable for the need of job market. But the changes of learning process and the system that controls it are very much required. RevLiited course contents, deepness of materbls t.nd g::ot.:ped courses needed by competency are the way to be done by all units responsible for learning process. Moreover, to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the management of education, change anJ arrangement in department-based curriculum should be made based on major-minor systems. Therefore, each department is not necessarily offering and serving courses that are need by their students. The courses can be taken from other departments, which are m0re relevant and have a high quality. At the end, Center for Research and Development of Education as a legal unit to monitor and'evaluate education needs fully support so that the education can run smoothly. In this 'unit the curriculum is monitored, evaluated and revised in order to have a good qualified 51 graduates based on the cOlnpetency
dc.publisherJurnal Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia
dc.titleRenovasi Program S1 melalui Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensiid

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