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dc.contributor.authorIndrasti, N.S
dc.contributor.authorMangunwijaya, D.
dc.contributor.authorNasution, Z.
dc.contributor.authorChilmijati, N.
dc.description.abstractThe creal ion all productive aclivilies to over come the monetmy crisis prevailing in Indonesia and also 10 increase the social income is al1Iusl. For Ihal purpose. Ihe gOI'ernmelll has lallnched ellarls related to Ihe use oflhe carbohydrales inlhe arrOl~'rOOI plant f.l1aral1la arllciinacea L). This type oJplani has long been known by rural socielies in Celllral Ja~'a and Easl Jal··a. The people Itse its starchfor traditional/ood. The Aim of this research is 10 inl'(!'slfgate the characteristics ojIhe Arrowroot slarch and Ihe Jactors affecting en::ymalic hydro~\'sis oJlhe starch. i.e.: the effect ojsubstrale cOllcentration alld en::yme concelllration on ils liqueJaction, the effect ojsaccharificalion. The experimenlal design used was a completely randomi::ed factorial design. The resllit showed that the optimal conditioll ofenzymatic hydrolysis was on the cOllcentralion subSlrale oj30%. aamylase 53.913. -I) {.I kg substrate at 72 hours ojsaccharification by amyloglucosidase 60.3/9.28 ekg sllbstrale. The rendement oJglllcose syrup was 85.31% and DE
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleThe Characteristics of The Arrowroot Starch and Its Use as the Source of Raw Material for Glucose Syrupsid

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