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dc.contributor.authorAdilina, Indri Badria
dc.contributor.authorLaksmono, Joddy Arya
dc.contributor.authorAgustian, Egi
dc.description.abstractSynthesis of menthol (CWH100) from citronellal (CIIH",O) has been performed by a one-pot process. The process was conducted in a 250 mL capacity auloe/al'e wilh acidified nalural =eolite and Raney Nickel as catalYSIS at temperature 120°e. pressure 5 bar, and varialion of time 1-8 hours. Natural =eolite and Raney Nickel were placed in the aUloc/aI'e and it was found Ihat Ihe cye/isalion and hydrogenation reaclion 10 form menthol could undergo in the same reactor. FTJR Analysis showed peak formation at 3346.50 cm-' indicating OH group was formed Result of I H-NMR and /3C-NMR analysis reports chemical shifts at 6= 71. 53 ppm and ,)=4.05 ppm. Gas chromatography analysis showed thaI the com'ersiol1 was 80% with concentration ofmenthol about 68% (v/v).id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 17 No.3
dc.titleOne-pot syntesis of menthol from citronellal: application of citronellal: application of citronella oilid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol 17(3)

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