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dc.contributor.authorWibowo, Tri Yogo
dc.contributor.authorD., Suryatmi R.
dc.contributor.authorRusli, Meika S.
dc.contributor.authorS., Imelda H.
dc.description.abstractCumin seed (ClIminlllll C.Yminllm Linn) is the one ofessential oil resources ,vhich is being developedfor its economic Falue and one of the 11I0st used resources in pharmaceutical industries and jlm'ourings. Cumin oil was able to cure some digestion problems, an antioxidants, highly anesslesive andjixative. Major component of cumin oil is cllminaldehyde, which reach 35·62%. This research aims to study cumin oil distillation character with steam distillation method and to know effect ofsteam pressure and bulk density to yield and phYSicochemical properties ofcumin oil produced Stages on this research were moisture content, essential oil content and ash content analyses. diatillation time determination. cumin oil distillation on different steam pressure and bulk density. and then analy::ed Cumin oil analyses consist of its yield. specific gravity. refractive index, optic rotation. acid number. ester value and solubility in alcohol 80%. This research used factorial complete randomi::ed design with two factors. First factor was bulk density. which consists oftwo levels (0,1 and 0.2 kg/L). Secondfaclor was steam pressure. which consists ofthree levels (0; 0,5; and I bar gauge). Analy::ed data showed that its moisture content, essential oil and ash content respectively was 7.83%, 3,34% alld 5,36%. Distillalion time was in jive hours, when 95% oil has been distillated Steam pressure signijicantly affect the yield, specific gravity and ester vallie, which bulk density significantly affects its acid number and ester value. Interaction between these two factors Significantly affects ils yield and ester value. Cumin oil in this research was bright yellow to brown in color, with strong and spesific odor. Its yield was 1,23·2,65 % (bb), specific grm)ity was 0,9630.0,9862, refractive index was 1,497·1,504, optic rotation was +2,4°. +3, 6°, and average comparison ofits solubility in alcohol 80% !Vas I' 2 The volatile oil composition of cumin oil was investigated by gas chromatography. The highest climinaldehyde content as the major component ofcumin oil was obtained/rom no steam press lire
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol 17;(3)
dc.titleKajian Proses Penyulingan Uap Minyak Jintan Putihid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol.17 No.3

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