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dc.contributor.authorSetyaningsih, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorHambali, Erliza
dc.contributor.authorNasution, Muharamia
dc.description.abstractIndonesia is one of the biggest producers ofcitronella oil in the world. The high production ofcitronella oil needs to be del'eloped becoming nell' fractions and application into product. One of the applications is as active component in insect repellant in skin lotion product. In this research, skin lotion was produced by addition ofcitronella oil and geraniol as active component with parameter ofpercentage of active component (5.0, 7.5, and 10.0%) and three alternatives ofprocess (process I. process 2. and process 3). The parameters of analyses were emllMon stability, viscosity. emulsion capacity. pH. and total microbe. Citronella oil used in this research has several characteristics; namely density 0.8352. index refraction 1.4558, citronellal content 5.8% and geraniol content 2.4%. The result of this analysis show that addition of geraniol 5.0% in process 2 produced the highest viscosity was 1.55 (x300 cP). the lowest pH (3.47). the highest emulsion stability (62.29%) and the lowest emulsion capacity (2./5). The conclusion according to that result was process 2 lVas produced the best ofskin lotion formlilation. In the next research all ofthe action from process 2 !/Sed for effectiveness experiment to mosquito bite. The results of the experiment show that al/ of skin lotions gave negative result to amollnt of mosquito bite at rabbit. Decreasing fraction of active component unti! 0.1% showed positive result by one bite of mosquito in the rabbit
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol 17;(3)
dc.titleAplikasi Minyak Sereh Wangi (Citronella Oil) dan Geraniol dalam Pembuatan Skin Lotion Penolak Nyamukid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol.17 No.3

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