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dc.description.abstractWhen palm fruit bunches are harvested and processed into palm Oil. a large amount of organic wastewater becomes available. Until now. most of this organics-rich waste-stream was not recovered and left to decompose anaerobically in ponds. where it emits methane. a potent greenhouse gas. By anaerobically digesting the palm oil mill effluent (POME) in a suitable bioreactor, biogas can be captured and used for combustion in gas engines or boilers. This way, methane emission from the anaerobic POME decomposition can be avoided and fossil fuels can be replaced partly with the renewable biogas from the POME decomposition process. It is estimated that for each ton fresh fruit bunches (FFB) processed app. 10.5 m 3 methane will be emitted. By capturing the gas and transforming it into renewab!e biogas an energy value of 168-210 MJ with a money value of app. Rp 40.385.-can be obtained. Through dean development mechanism (COM) project it is also possible to gain an additional financial incentive of app. Rp 11,OOO,-/t FFB. Based on the figures an oil palm mill with production rate of 60 ton FFBIh, fur illustration, hat a possibility to eam yearly financial benefit of Rp 300 Mia. consists of Rp 240 Mia. by utilizing the biogas from POME as energy source and Rp 66 Mio. from emission reduction through COM project. Furthermore. the capturing and utilizing biogas as energy can be used as an alternative for sustaining good environmental management of palm oil industryid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleEmisi Gas Rumah Kaca Akibat Dekomposisi Anaerobik Limbah Cair Industri Minyak Kelapa Sawit dan Alternatif Penanggulangannyaid
dc.title.alternativeSeminar Tahunan MAKSI Peningkatan Daya Saing Kelapa Sawit Indonesia Melalui Risetid

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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