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dc.contributor.authorSudarmanto, Bambang
dc.contributor.authorSantosa, Krisna Agung
dc.contributor.authorHaryadi, F. Trisakti
dc.description.abstractMost of dairy farming of small holders were executed by family labour. The objectives of this research were to know: family labour was required for activities within farming, family labour productivity, the factors influencing family labour productivity and contribution of dairy income to total of farm income. Farmers of dairy cattle in Getasan District, Regency of Semarang having one head of adult dairy cattle and two years experience, were taken as respondents. Six of 13 villages were drawn randomly, while respondents were drawn by proportional random sampling. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze factors affecting family labour productivity. The results indicated that: head of household mostly spent his work for 5.073 man-hours or 55.12% of his total man-hours, followed by wife 2.374 man-hours (25.80%), and son 0.903 man-hours (9.81%). The highest labour allocation was for forage cut and carry (45.75%)). The family labour productivity was found to be Rp 38,230.93 per man-day, with the income of Rp 16,752.94 per man-day. Percent of family members finishing from high school, number of dairy cattle and other animals, participation of farmers to dairy training, were the factors positively affecting (PC .01), while experience (PC .lo), land wide not used for forage (PC .01), number of family members (P< .05) negatively affecting family labour productivity. Contribution of dairy cattle income was 76.10% of total farm
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleThe Family Labour Productivty Of Dairy Farming In Getesan District, Semarang Regencyid

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