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dc.contributor.authorNurtini, Sudi
dc.contributor.authorWidodo, S.
dc.contributor.authorSantosa, K.A
dc.description.abstractThis study was conducted in Sub districts of Oebobo and Maulafa, Kupang City. It was carried out in July to September 2004. Sixty farmers were taken as respondents by purposive random sampling. The objectives of this study were: to know the category of motivation of pig farming; to analyze internal and business situational characteristics influencing motivation of the farmers; to calculate the income from pig farming as well as its contribution on family income, and to study the relationship between motivation and income. Variables measured consisted of motivation; internal characteristics of farmer; business situational characteristics; input and output of pig farming. Data were analyzed descriptively using logic regression model and correlation of Rank Spearman. The results of this study indicated that most of the farmers had high categories of motivation in social, economic and hobby. The category of motivation in pig farming was high. The motivation category in pig farming was significantly affected by age (P<O. lo), experience in pig farming (P<0.05), non pig farming income Cp<0.10) and land ownership (P<0.05). The average income of small scale pig farming in Kupang was Rp.3,841,101.22,-/AU/yeaTrh.e average conltnbution of small scale pig farming to total family income was 26.69%. There was no significant relationship between motivation and income ofpig
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleMotivation And Income Analysis Of Small Scale Pig Farming In Kupang Cityid

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