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dc.contributor.authorSucipto, M.A.S.
dc.description.abstractBeluntas(pluchea Indica L) had been used as a feed additive in duck diet to decrease the odour of duck's meat. The objective of this research was to study the influence-of adding beluntas (pluchea indica L.) in the diet on physicalcomposition and quality of local duck's egg.:Beluntas contains flavonoid, vitainin E, 6-caJ:otene, esserial oil, saponin and tannin. Flavonoid, vitamin E and 6-carotene are antioxidants and can improvenutrientsabsorption. However,thetanninandsaponincontainedin thebeluntas can intetfere the the nutrients espesially protein and minerals, Theteseareb was conducted at Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Animal Husbandary, IPB, Bogor during 5 months (May-September, 2006)..The tIeatments were divided into 3 different levels of beluatas powder (0%, 1% and 2%) and 3 replications (each consisted of . 30 ducks). The results showed that there W2S no significant effect on egg weight, physical competition uf egg, albumenheight, Haugh Unit and shell thickness due to the treatments, The conclucion of this reaserch is that using beluntas at the level of 2% (po.OS) in the duck diet can improve the yolk colour score (above 9) without reduce physical composition and quality of egg. _id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePhysical Composition and Quality of Local Duck Egg Fed Beluntas (pluchea indica L.) in The Dietid

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