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dc.contributor.authorTriastuty, Lydia Gandini
dc.contributor.authorPermana, Idat Galih
dc.description.abstractAn experiment to explore the nutrition properties of Indonesian Jatropha curcU,f; mealfor ruminant ha..been conducted Three differem originsofIndonesianJatropha(LAmpung, Kebumen andLombok)have been investigated for their nutritional values such as chemical compositions. amino acid profiles, fermemabiltty and in vitro digestibility. Ami nutritional and toxic compound" are also determined. 1J wasfound that chemical compositions and amino acidprofiles ofthe Jatropha meal vary according to the origin ofJatropha. The Jatropha meal from Lampung had the highe..1 CP ("/0 DM) content (41.58%) compared with Jatropha meal from another region (Kebumen 37.93%, Lombok 31.94%). The CP ('%S"lid Non Fat) content afj<ltropha meal from Lampung (58.59%) was higher than CP content ofsoybean meal (50.71%). The jatropha meal/rom three different regions in Indonesia showed a significant difference (p<0.01) in IVDMD and lVOMD, which i.s the jalropha meal from Lompung (60.13%) and Kebumen (60.73%) was higher than from Lombok (49.8%). Toxic and ana-nutritional factors that studied in this research are curcin, phorbolester and phytole. Tirephytate and curcin level was highest in jatropha mealfrom Lampung. BUI the level ofphorbolcster was not detectable in this meal. The contents of toxic and anti-nutritional factors did not affect on digestibility and ruminalfermentation
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleNutritional properties of three different origins of indonesian jatropha (jatropha curcas) meal for ruminantid

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