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dc.contributor.authorBudiarti, A.
dc.contributor.authorHermana, W.
dc.contributor.authorSuci, D.M.
dc.description.abstractThe research. was O111ied out to know the use of fish silage that was mixed with rice bran 9,5 an alternative feed for native chickens, This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of fish silage meal on ammonia excreta native chickens of 12 weeks old. Four (4) treatments diets: diet without fish silage meal (control), diet contained 40 % native chicken's diet + 60 % fish silages meal, 20 % native chicken's diet + 80 % fish silages meal, and 100 % fish silages meal without native chicken's, consisted of 3 replicates with 3 chickens in each replicate Variable-to evaluate the ammonia, 'water, and crude protein at excreta of native chicken measured. A Completely Randomized Design was used to analyzed all data. The result showed that ' diets containing fish silages meal have .;gnificant effect (p<0.01) on ammonia and Clude protein excreta (p<O.OS) of native chicken of 12 weeks old. Ammonia excreta with given fish sUges meal, higher thanthat was biven diet controi. Water of excreta from native chicken of 12 weeks old did not significant affected by given fish silages meal,id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAmmonia excreta of native chickens on 12 weeks ages of giving of fish silage meal in the dietid

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