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dc.contributor.authorFardiaz, Dedi
dc.description.abstractFood safety and quality are essential for food security, public health and economic development. Improving food safety is necessary to increase food security, which exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food, which meets their dietary needs and cultural preferences to have an active and healthy life. Increasing the supply of safe food reduces the impact of food-borne diseases, which cause many illnesses and deaths, as well as detrimental economic consequences, in both developing and developed countries every year. Ensuring the safety and quality of food exports promotes international trade, which provides a means to generate growth and reduce poverty. Law No. 7 on Food was issued in 1996 to ensure that foods distributed and marketed in lndonesia are fit and safe for human consumption. In addition, the objective of regulating and controlling of food safety and quality is to facilitate a fair and responsible food trade. Handling food from farm to table is very complex involving various government institutions and different stakeholders including consumers, not only at the center government but also at provincial and district levels. Realizing that food control coverage area in large country like lndonesia is very wide, an integrated inter-sectoral approach is believed to be the most appropriate one to synergize food safety related activities in all~elateds ectors in order to enhance the level of food safety in Indonesia. Two methods of control are very important, namely preventive control and law enforcement. Preventive control should be the first priority in which food producer common practices are improved based on their awareness in food safety. The law will be enforced to those who violate the law. Since food safety is e shared responsibility among government institutions, food industries and consumers, there should a be a mechanism to facilitate communication among the three sectors in enhancing food safety in Indonesia. To facilitate such communication, the National Agency for Drug and Food Control (NADFC), Republic of lndonesia developed and launched the Indonesian lntegrated Food Safety System based on risk analysis approach in May 13, 2004. The Integrated Food Safety System (IFSS) consist of three main networks, namely, Food intelligence Network for risk assessment, Food Control Network for risk management and Food Promotion Network for risk communication. With the IFSS, it is expected there will be a greater participation from related government institutions including universities, food industries and consumers in enhancing food safety in
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University
dc.sourceSeafast Center
dc.subjectFood Safetyid
dc.titleFood Safety Policy in lndonesiaid

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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