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dc.contributor.authorSimatupang, R. Smith
dc.contributor.authorIndrayati, L.
dc.description.abstractProblem of weeds in tidal swamps land is very important, because weed grows very fast and fertile, heve resulted around 1.85-2.76 t/ha dry matter biomass and decreased of rice yiled. Biomass recycling as organic matter to soil could be supplied of nutrients for plant. The research of weeds compost apllication as NPKsource have conducted at dry season2 001 in acid sulphatela nd in BalandeanIn stalation. Thee xperimendte signis randomizebdl ockd esign with 6 treaments and 4 replications. The research results, that weeds compost application as NPK source are not significantly effectf or rice growth, neverthelessb asedo n increasedo f compostd osagea pplied the rice growth become best. The high yield have found 4.88 t/ha by NP K applied and significantly different compared to rice yield that found by weedsc omposta pplication. Thee ffecto f weedsc ompostd osagefo r yield is not significantly different, but havef oun? the linnier relation between weeds compost dosage with rice yield by the equation: Y = 2.985 + 0.20X with K = 0.8id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.31 No.2
dc.titlePengaruh Pemberian Kompos Gulma Somber Hara NPK Terbadap Tanaman Padi di Laban Sulfat Masamid
dc.title.alternativeBuletin Agronomi Vol.31 No.2, Th.2003

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