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dc.contributor.authorAqil, Muhammad
dc.description.abstractUtilization of coastal plain area for farming are scarce due to the problems faced in the development of those lunds such as lowfertility, high percolation as well as evaporation rate. Temperature rangesfrom 40-6VC. In order to increase the utilization of the land, an uttempt was done to study the eflects of number ofmanure and irrigation rate on the yield-s and soil water extraction of maize, groundnut, tomato and chilly pepper in sandy soil. A series of experiment wus conductedfioni April to December 2001 using completely randomized design. The treatments included 4 rates of manure i.e. 10, IS, 20 and 25 MT/ha and 4 rares of irrigation i.e. 0.6 //day, 0.9 //day. 1.2 l/dqy and 1.5 Uday. The result of the experiment showed that the favourable condition to keep moisture content in san& soil at field capacity and jlirshing uf heut in the soil was achieved at irrigation rate of 1.2 //day except for tomato which obtained the highest water extraction UI irrigation rate of0.9 //day. Soil water extraction decreased between 0. I5 to 0.55% when irrigation / rate were reduced from I . 2 //day to 0.9 I/&y and 0.6 Uday on maize, groundnut and chilly pepper. The highest yield wus obtained at fertilization rate of20 MT/ha except for maize which obtained the highest yield at fertilization rate of 10 MT/
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.30 No.2
dc.titlePengaruh Laju Irignsi Serta Dosis Bahan Pengkondisi Tanah terhadap Tingkat Penahanan Lengas Tanah dan Produksi Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura pada Tamah Pasirid
dc.title.alternativeBuletin Agronomi Vol.30 No.2 Tahun 2002

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