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dc.contributor.authorPrayudi, Bambang
dc.description.abstractThes tudy wasconductedto find out somef actors affecting low diseasei ntensitya nd slow diseased evelopment on several traditional rice through i.e. a) regeration ability afterwardr pathogen invation, b) to drive on sclerotium formation on traditional rice straw (ie. Bayar pahit. Bayar palas. Karang dukuh, Lemo. Pandak) and improve variety (IR 36) in the moisture chamber, and also in water agar + rice sheath extract, c) the difference of internode and sheath long. The result revealed that some traditional rice (Bayar pahit, Bayar palas, Karang dukuh, Lemo and Pandak) possesa good renegeration ability afterwardr rice hills damaged by a pathogen invation. Pathogen also faided to produce sclerotium on Bayar pahit, Bayar palas, Karang dukuh and Lemo, and it was more due to the lack of available nutrition for pathogen fisiological prosses in the several traditional varieties. It was also possibly has inhibitor chemical compounds that inhibit sclerotium formation. There was known that stem internode was longer than sheath. so the pathogenc ould not reach to uppers heath.D iseased evelopmenwt as really slow on the traditional varieties that had three characteristics mentioned aboveid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.28 No.2
dc.titleToleransi Padi Lokal Rawa Pasang Surut terhadap Penyakit Hawar Pelepah Daun Padi (Rhizoctonia solanl)id
dc.title.alternativeBuletin Agronomi Vol.28 No.2, Th. 2000

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