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dc.contributor.authorWinarbawa, Saras
dc.description.abstractResearch of effects of soil moisture content on growth and production of cardamon was done in Lembang, Manoko Research Garden, from on November 1994 to July 1995. The aim of this research was to rdentrfi of the efecr of soil inoisture content growth and production of two types of cardamon, were Mysore type and Malabar type. A factorial randomized block design with two factors, three replications was used, and each reflication on one treatment contained three plants, and each plant planted in one polybag. The first factor was soil moisture content consistedfive treatments at 30% A W, 45% A W, 60% A W, 75% A W, and 90% A W The second factor was cardamon type ie Mysore type and Malabar type. Andosol soil type mixed animal manure with 2 : I ratio was used for plant media. NPK ,fertilizer aplication with 120 gramipolybag/year was used as basic fertilizer was given in three time. The first application as fertilizer given two week after planting (WAP). Teh second was given on February 1995 and June 1995. Soils were irrigated to varied water content, and all polybag moved to roof house. The 3rd was on values of the tiller at Malabar type 4 WAP was found on 60% A W, shoot at 16 MST and 30 WAP. The highest value of "rimpang" ~~a.sjounodn 15% A T, in Malabar
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.28 No.1
dc.titlePengaruh Kadar Air Tanah Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Dua Tipe Kapolaga Sabrangid
dc.title.alternativeBuletin Agronomi, Vol.28 No.1, Tahun 2000

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