Budidaya Tebu pada lahan Kering Beriklim Basah Suatu Usaha untuk Memproduksi Alternatif Pemanis
The trials of cultivation of sugar cane on wet climate of rainfed area was carried out at Bogal' {belong to climattic A according to Schmidt and Fergusson, 1957).from 1991 to 1996. The aim of the experimentsto get the cultivation varietieso f sugarc anew hich hash igh total sugar contenta fter 6 months, either plant cane or the first rattooned Several cultivars of PS87, produced by P 3GI, were tested. The experiment consisted of plant density, date of planting kind of cultivar and level of potassiumfe rtilizers. Ther esult showedt hat the PS87-22704c ultivar and PS58v ariety (as a controll) producedt he high total-sugar content (15.64% and 15.89%