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dc.contributor.authorRahmann, G.
dc.description.abstractOrganic farming has a high reputation of sustainable food production chain. The global market has enchroached to over 40 billion US Dollar. Main consumption is located in Europe and the USA but in about 135 countries of the world organic production is practices. The global market for organic livestock products is less developed than crop products. Sanitary trade restrictions of importing countries, lack of organic infrastructure (processing facilities, traceability, inspection and certification, training and education, public support) and comparative cost disadvantages (mass production versus premium production) and production efficiency. It is difficult to meet the requirements of the international market for organic meat, milk and egg products and it will remain on low quantities as niche production. Nevertheless, some livestock products like aquaculture can become relevance for countries like
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleThe Global Market of Organik Animal Product – Chances and Risksid

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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