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dc.contributor.authorMathius, Nurita Toruan
dc.contributor.authorPurwito, Agus
dc.identifier.issnIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.description.abstractIn vitro micrografting is a technique for grafting scions to rootstocks of plantlets from tissue culture. In vitro micrografting of Cinchona plant has never been carried out. The objective of this research was to obtain the best method of in vitro micrografting, medium for micrografted plantlets, and acclimatization for Cinchona plantlets from micrografting. The research consisted of (i) optimization of micrografting method, (ii) optimization of medium for growing plantlets, and (iii) acclimatization of micrografted plantlet. Plantlets of four-month-old of C. ledgeriana QRC clone were used as scions, while of C. succirubra as rootstocks. Each of experiment was arranged according to Completely Randomized Design, consisted of combination of scion and rootstock and type of micro-grafting with 10 replicates. Parameters measured were the percentage of survived plantlet, leaf number, and callus productions on union area, and percentage of survived plantlet. The results show that V type of micrografting was the best for Cinchona micrografting. MS medium with the addition of 3 mg/L IBA was the best medium for growing of micrografted plantlet. Husk charcoal mixed with top soil (1 : 1) was the best medium for acclimatization. Acclimatization consisted of two steps: preaclimatization in a culture room with 12- hour photoperiod at temperature 25 – 27oC for two weeks, followed by aclimatization in a plastic house with 70% reduced light intensity for one month. Using this method, 90% of the seedlings were survived. It is concluded that in vitro micrografting can be used as a technique for clonal propagation of Cinchona
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleTeknik sambung mikro in vitro kina Cinchona succirubra dengan C. ledgerianaid

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