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dc.contributor.authorBudiaman, Ahmad
dc.description.abstractfen hectares of natural forest stand under forest concession in South Sumatra were harvested by selective cutting. A whole tree felling operation was done in the studi area. in which felling operation consist of tree felling and processing both commercial stem arid non-commercial stem. Average harvesting intensity was 6 trees per hectare. Harvested area had slope below 30 %. Average diameter of tree ranged from 50 cm to 109 cm. Feller crew with one cahinsaw's operator and one helper felled marked commercial tree using STIHL 70. Total felling time of whole tree system can be predicted by diameter of felled tree (DBH). Felling time and processing time (bucking) of comercial stem directly related to stem diameter. but there was not direct relation between preparation time and processing non comercial stem under natural forest and DBH Felling time of whole tree system increased 21.94 % compare to convensional
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.XV No.2
dc.titleWaktu kerja dan produktivitas penerbangan kayu penuh (Whole Tree) pada pengusahaan hutan alamid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi Hasil Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB Vol.XV No.2, Th. 2002

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