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dc.contributor.authorPramono, Yoyok B.
dc.contributor.authorHarmayani, Eni
dc.contributor.authorUtami, Tyas
dc.description.abstractLactobdius prantm FNCC 250 and LectMus sp. FNCC 401 were isdated from traditional fended lbod which had p o i ~ ~ a s ~ a g e n t tsommdmdch okteml. Thedmof themecrchwcstostuajfthe g o w t n ~ o f j#&arum FNCC250endLacWxhsp. FNCC401at MRSmediun,ming ~ e e s u b s t r e ( e ~ f e d o r nio.cuelldoW ~ ~ MRSmediumcontq @nxse concentfationof 0,05:0.1;0.2;0.3;O55;1;1.5;2;end 3 % ( ~ , F m a n t ~ w a s c a n i e d o u t a i 3PC, Mh iMal pH 6.8 and war m Mbr 2 4 hou~D.u nunntghe fenenteUon, dry d lw eiight, fedudng suger and pH were cnB(LSed. The lixcuh showed that Ks ( the s w s&mth amtanff) of Lact&cih @mfm WCC 250 was 0.04 (gt3 ; p m a (the maKimun gowth mte) was 0.17 (h-f); mi Y (gowthy leM) was 0.24 ( ggl), mesmwhile br Leclobdh sp. MlCC 401 Ks w e0 .06 (gatf)p, m a w a s 0 . 2 6 ( h - r ) ; 8 n d Y ( ~w~es 0.24(
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.XIV, No.1
dc.titleKinetika Pertumbuhan lactobacillus plantarum dan Lactobacillus sp. pada Media MRS Cairid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan, Vol.XIV, No.1 Th. 2003

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