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dc.contributor.authorSibuea, Posman
dc.description.abstractThe d#ech of this aKperimenf was to exmine the cqdMies of campdte hu fie. cam fkw and wheat h@ and xanthen gun In aeedmaking. Breads wereprodUCBd(singmbdumof~andmWaurdvariolff~~~ofxentmgundGUlRsrentM(O.O% to0.7!%). The resdshowedth& b ~ ( ~ ~ p o s ~ e ~ h c r d s ~ 8 n Z e f f s c Z o n I m e c s W p a n m ~ A s t h e ~ ~ ~ e d d o w (2% the dwgh h$bl fadwe, s u p content hmased, but tbe sensory vdm decreased. XbnUlcn gum had s@hYcanf etieGi an the texturn, miwing ssuger confed, the scy~soryv akres and the dou$ AM@. As the xmihm gun hmeti, the &@I h$h, the reduacng sugar content hcmasd, wtmm the tern immsed d 0.50% the decmesed d 0.75%. The bread of good accepfabky wes produced from the&urmixtumof~fkuK(70%) dunntlow(30%)
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.XII No.2
dc.titlePenggunaan GUM Xanthan pada Substitusi Parsial Terigu dengan Tepung Jagung dalam Pembuatan Rotiid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan, Vol.XII No.2, Th.2001

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