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dc.contributor.authorArpah, M.
dc.contributor.authorSyarief, R.
dc.contributor.authorDaulay, S.
dc.description.abstractSoy powder and two mixed powders were subjeded to a hydration, aamding to "days until caking" pmcedwes. Absorption patterns wen, idenMed using pdarized mkmcope and releled to the physicd dunges in the smp&s, W i n g s l6Fglomeration, p / a s Wa~nd c&mg When the powders were eqiMn&ed m a s& of s d sduHons having eqdklnium mlalive humidity (ERH) m@g ftwn 32.38% to 97.06%, the dmg plummenones wenr compMe& visirWe ef ebout 67% ERH, c a q m h g to a mess of water-uptake equd to 6.95 ( g water/lOOg sol@ Ibr soy powder; 2.40 ( g weted100g sdid) and 3.03 ( g waterlf00g sokbl) hr mixed pow& type 1 end 11 respcth&. These aWitioncecnsed ~ e f a m a g , i t u d ef 2 0 p 1 b r b r s o y ~ ,9 1pend92pm hrbrofofmmedpowders. Thewater m f d s at DeysuntiicdJdng"~w ereused~aninRid&antq~&fwhrsMIhdelennin~ ofpackage powders,@ed in plastics
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.XIII No.3
dc.titlePenerapan Uji DUC (Days Until Caking) dalam Penetapan Waktu Kadaluwarsa Tepungid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol.XIII No.3, Th.2002

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