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dc.contributor.authorTimotius, K.H.
dc.contributor.authorPurnomo, Ana W.
dc.contributor.authorMeitiniarti, V.I.
dc.description.abstractThis experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of yeast extract addition in fresh green coconut water medium during the batch growth and astaxanthin production of Phaffia rhodozyma MUCL 31142. The addition of yeast extract (0,025% and 0,075%) could increase the cell growth (37,12 g/l and 49,18 g/l), growth rate (0,061/hour and 0,074/hour), total production of astaxanthin (4,871 mg/l and 9,442 mg/l), specific concentration of astaxanthin (118,99 mg/g biomassa and 176,56 mg/g biomass), production rate of astaxanthin (0,042/hour and 0,088/hour), astaxanthin yield (0,236 mg/g glucose dan 0,342 mg/g glucose), and glucose consumption (19,84 g/l and 26,95 g/l).id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.XIV, No.2
dc.titleProduksi Astaxanthin oleh Kamir Merah (Phaffia Rhodozyma) Ditumbuhkan dalam Air Kelapa yang Ditambahkan Ekstrak Kamirid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Teknolologi dan Industri Pangan, Vol.XIV, No.2, Th. 2003

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