Erosion Prediction Study of Tugu Utara (Ciliwung Hulu) Sub Watershed
The research of erosion prediction method at watershed scale was carried out at Tugu Utara (Upper Ciliwung) sub watershed in Puncak, West Java, Indonesia from August 2000 to February 2001. The objectives of this study were: ( I ) to predict erosion at watershed scale through approximation of sediment yield measurement at outlet of sub watershed, and (2) multple regression equation and Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR) prediction. The experiment at Tugu Utara (upper Ciliwung) sub watershed measured the discharge, surface erosion by soilpan method, sediment yield by sampling at the outlet and SDR. The result showed that the multiple regression equation and SDR Stiff Diagram can be used to predict the erosion at Tugu Utara (upper Ciliwung) sub watershed.