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dc.contributor.authorSuryanto, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorSuwanto, Antonius
dc.description.abstractl'otal geno~nic analysis of three anorygenic photosynthetic bacteria. 1)s-I, 1)s-4 and Cas-13, was done using hlaero-l~estrictiao Fragment 1,ength Polymorphism technique employing pulsecl-field gel electrophoresis. 'L'lie constructed pl~ylogenie trce of the profile analysis showed that DS-1 and Cas-I3 were closely related rattier than to 1)s- 4. l'l~eira bility to use benzoate as their sole C source were optirnr~rna t NaCI conce~~tratioonf 0.5% (wlv) and pll of 7.5. rcspcetivcly. The isolates could grow in benzoate-containing media r~p to 10 1nh1. Crowing in other C-soc~rces was optiniun~ in 3.0% casa~nino acid and 1.0% dertrine, but exhibited different response for otlier
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.7 No.1
dc.titleEffect of pH and NaCl Concentration on Benzoate Utilization of Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteriaid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Mikrobiologi Indonesia, Februari 2002, Vol.7 No.1

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