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dc.contributor.authorWahyuni, Wiwiek Sri
dc.contributor.authorYutriono, Rudi
dc.contributor.authorWinarso, Sugeng
dc.description.abstractThe capability of fluorescence pseudomonads to survive, colonize roots and dominate the rhizosphere is the important factor to succeed as a biological control agent. The use of iron concentration of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 J.1M in Hoagland solution to water plants was to study its effect on the population growth of P. pudda Pf-20 in the tobacco H877 rhizosphere, on the bacterial activity to induce tobacco resistance to CMV, and on the root growth. The results sbowed that bacterial population . in tbe sand medium added with 20 J.1M iron concentration and inoculated with CMV was higber (115.21 x IOlcfu ('I dried sand) tban tbat of medium either with 0, 10,30, or 40 J.1M iron concentrations. Tbe 20 J,1M iron concentration was also suitable for P. pudda to induce tobacco resistance to CMV, which sbowed by the less disease severity of 15.40%. The more higber iron concentration added to the sand medium improved the root architecture and the total of root length, but the less population bacteria detected in the rhizosphere. The longest of the total of root length was on the medium added with 40 J.1M iron
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengaruh Konsentrasi Besi dalam Media Tanam pada Aktivitas Pseudomonas putida Pf-20 untuk Menginduksi Ketahanan Tembakau terhadap Cucumber Mosaic Virusid

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