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dc.contributor.authorMahardika, Ida Bagus Komang
dc.contributor.authorSusanto, Slamet
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the research was to study the changes in fruit quality of pummelo (Citrus gmndis L. Osbeck) cv. Nambangan, Srinyonya, and Bali Merah during maturation period. This study was conducted at pummelo production center in Magetan, East Java. Fruit grew fastly up to two months from blooming, then its growth gradually slowed down toward maturation stage. Size and weight of fruit of 'Bali Merah' was higher as compared with 'Nambangan' and 'Srinyonya'. The size of fruit of 'Srinyonya' was the smallest, although there was no significant difference on fruit weight as compared with fruit of 'Nambangan'. The increase in total soluble solids content in fruit of each cultivar was not signiricantly different during the maturation period, but the acid content significantly decreased at the same period resulted in the increase of total soluble solids-acid ratio which was related to the fruit taste accesibility and harvest period. Harvesting period of Srinyonya fruit was in the range of 20-28 weeks after bloom, whereas Nambangan and Bali Merah were better to be harvested in a range of 24- 30 weeks after bloom. Tid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.10 No.3
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.10 No.3
dc.titlePerubahan Kualitas Buah Beberapa Kultivar Jeruk Besar selama Periode Pematanganid
dc.title.alternativeJurnal Hayati, September 2003, Vol.10 No.3

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