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dc.contributor.authorKoswara, Jajah
dc.contributor.authorAswidinnoor, Hajrial
dc.contributor.authorPurwoko, Bambang S.
dc.description.abstractTo determine the effect of broken stalk on the yield of corn, two experiments were conducted a t the same time a t the IPB experimental station, Darmiaga IV, Bogor. In the f i r s t experiment, a r t i f i c i a l broken stalk of growth: stage 4 (tasseling) , stage 5 (silking) , stage 7 (early daugh) , and stage 8 (hard0dough) on Arjuna and experimental Hybrid IPB-1 varieties. In the second experiment, the a r t i f i c i a l broken stalk were made a t the early dough stage a t the different internodes: above main ear and below main ear, Hybrid IPB-1, H6 and Arjuna varieties. The cmtrol plots were preventing fran lodging or broken stalk by using bamboe stick. The effect of stalk breaking on the different stage of growth and stalk breaking below the main ear significantly decreased the percentage of grain f i l l e d , grain yield and the weight of 100 seeds, but did not effect the ear index. Stalk breaking on internode above the main ear did not significantly reduced the parameter above. Stalk breaking on stage 4, 5, 7 and 8 decreased the grain yield 41.3, 28.9, 25.0 and 12.3 % respectively. The yield of Hybrid IPB-1 50 % higher than that of H6 or
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol.XVI No.1
dc.titlePengaruh Patah Batang Terhadap Produksi pada Jagungid
dc.title.alternativeBuletin Agronomi Vol.XVI No.1

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