Browsing Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) by Title
Now showing items 104-123 of 458
Indikasi Heterosis Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Beberapa Varietas Kelapa Hibrida
(1981)HETEROSIS INDICATION OF VEGETATIVE GROWTH IN SOME COCONUT HYBRIDE VARIETIES. A study of vegetative characterist~cs o f 18-month old hybrid coconuts shored that the number of leaflets on # 6 leaves, the length of the t 6 ... -
Induksi dan proliferasi Kalus embriogenik pada beberapa genotipe kedelai
(2010)The successfull of gene transformation on crop plants depends on the ability of explant to develop somatic embryos. The effect of medium composition on induction and proliferation of embryonic callus was analyzed on several ... -
Induksi Tanaman Jagung Haploid Melalui Kultur Anther
(1989)The possibility of using anther culture techiques to get haploid was studied. Four genotypes consisting of Arjuna, RC II, RC IV (1) plant maize and RC IV (2) were examined their responses in three different media i.e. Mi-l, ... -
Induksi Tetraploid Pada Taanaman Semangka (Citrullus Lanatus (Thunb) Manaf.) Dengan Colchicine
(1992)This experiment was carried out from June to October, 1991 and from October, 1992 to February, 1993, under plastic house of Sindang Barang Expt. station of IPB and Laboratory of Herbarium Bogoriense. The aim of this study ... -
Induksi umbi mikro tanaman daun dewa (Gynura pseudochina (Lour.) DC) secara In Vitro dengan perlakuan sukrosa dan daminozide
(2010)The effects of sucrose and daminozide on in-vitro microtuber formation were evaluated for producing microtubers to supply year round microtubers and to facilitate sterilized explants exchange regionally and internationally. ... -
Initiation and Proliferation of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Somatic Embryos from Zygotic Tissue
(1999)The stufy on the and proliferation of somatic embryos from papaya (C.papaya L.) zygotic embryo explant was undertaken. Best result regarding initation of embryogenic callus formation was obtained with 90 days after pollination ... -
Inokulasi fungi mikoriza arbuskula (FMA) dan pemupukan P untuk meningkatkan hasil dan mutu benih cabai (Capsicum annuum L.)
(2010)The research was carried out to investigate the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and phosphorus fertilizer on yield and seed quality of two genotypes of hot chilli pepper. The experiment was arranged in ... -
Interaksi genetik x lingkungan dan stabilitas komponen hasil berbagai genotipe Kedelai di Provinsi Riau
(2010)Genotype by environment (GE) interaction and stability of a trait in any crop plant such as soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) are very important for plant breeders to develop and evaluate the new cultivars as well as for ... -
Interaksi Genotipe - Lingkungan Galur Harapan Padi Rawa
(2000)A Study was conducted in 7 locations represent to sulfuric-acid, peat ar arable land in order to define productivity of several promoting lines of swamp- rice. Fourteen lines with two control varieties were tested in each ... -
Interaksi Genotipe - Lingkungan Pada 7 Genetipe Tembakau Besuki Na-Oogst
(1987)Seven tobacco Besuki na-oogst genotypes were tested in 5 environments to study their stability. A randomized block design with 3 replications and 120 plants/plot was used in each environment. Regression of GE on E for plant ... -
Interaksi Pemberian Pupuk N Dan K Dengan Pemberian Jerami Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Talas (Colocasia Esculenta (L) Sckott)
(1986)The experiment was conducted at the Central Research Institute for Agriculture Experimental Station at Cikeumeuh, Bogor, from October 1982 until May, 1983. The aim of tnis experiment was to know the effect of N, K and mulch ... -
Introdulsi Solanum Aviculare Forst. F. Dan Solanum Laciniatum Ait
(1981)Solanum aviculara and S. laciniatum were Introduced and tried in the laboratory, in the green house and under field conditions. As anticipated seed germination was better under laboratory conditions compared with that In ... -
Invigorasi Benih untuk Memperbaiki Perkecambahan Kacang Panjang (Vigna unguiculata Hask. ssp. sesquipedalis) pada Cekaman Salinitas
(2008)The objective of this research was to study the influence of invigoration on yard-long bean seed germination under salinity stress. The research was conducted at Seed Science and Technology Laboratory, Department of Agronomy ... -
Isolasi dan pengklonan fragmen cDNA gen penyandi H+-ATPase membran plasma dari Melastoma malabathricum L.
(2010)Melastoma malabathricum L. grows well in acid soil with high level of soluble aluminum. One of the important proteins in the detoxifying acid and aluminum stress is a plasma membrane H+-ATPase protein encoded by PMA gene. ... -
Isolasi dan Pengklonan Fragmen eDNA Cen Penyandi H+-ATPase Membran Plasma dari Melastoma malabathricum L.
(2010)Melastoma malabathricum L. grows well in acid soil with high level a/soluble aluminum. One of the important proteins in the detoxifying acid and aluminum stress is a plasma membrane H' -ATPase protein encoded by PMA gene. ... -
Isolasi dan Regenerasi Protoplas dari Mesofil daun Kentang (Solanum tuberosum L) Dihaploid
(1999)The Isolation of regeneratiom of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) protoplasts have been carried out. Mesophyl cell protoplast were isolated from two dihaploid cultivars of potato BF 15 and SVP 10 leaves used four different ... -
Kajian Karakter Ketahanan terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan pada Beberapa Genotipe Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)
(2008)The research was aimed to study the response of oil palm seedlings to drought stress and to determine characters which would be useful in selection for drought resistance. This research was conducted at PT Dami Mas Sejahtera ... -
Kajian Periode Dormansi dan Ritme Pertumbuhan Tunas dan Akar Tanaman Manggis(Garcinia mangostana L.)
(2005)Mangosteen has a good prospectus for international market. Many people in the world like this fruit because it is delicious, has high nutrient contents, and it can be consumed as a fresh fruit. The growth of mangosteen is ... -
Kandungan Beberapa Zat Endogen pada Buah Retensi dan Buah akan Rontok pada Mangga
(2006)The aim of this research was to study the relationship between fruit drop and contents of auxin, polyamines, ACC, total sugar, and starch. Cultivars of mango used were Gadung 21 and Lalijiwo.The persisting fruit and abscising ... -
Karakter Anatomi Daun dari Kultur Tunas Artemisia annua L.
(2007)Artemisia annua L. produce artemisinin, an endoperoxide sesquiterpene lactone, which is effective against resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum, the malarial parasite. Artemisinin in foliar tissue are localized entirely ...