Browsing Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) by Title
Now showing items 120-139 of 458
Kajian Karakter Ketahanan terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan pada Beberapa Genotipe Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)
(2008)The research was aimed to study the response of oil palm seedlings to drought stress and to determine characters which would be useful in selection for drought resistance. This research was conducted at PT Dami Mas Sejahtera ... -
Kajian Periode Dormansi dan Ritme Pertumbuhan Tunas dan Akar Tanaman Manggis(Garcinia mangostana L.)
(2005)Mangosteen has a good prospectus for international market. Many people in the world like this fruit because it is delicious, has high nutrient contents, and it can be consumed as a fresh fruit. The growth of mangosteen is ... -
Kandungan Beberapa Zat Endogen pada Buah Retensi dan Buah akan Rontok pada Mangga
(2006)The aim of this research was to study the relationship between fruit drop and contents of auxin, polyamines, ACC, total sugar, and starch. Cultivars of mango used were Gadung 21 and Lalijiwo.The persisting fruit and abscising ... -
Karakter Anatomi Daun dari Kultur Tunas Artemisia annua L.
(2007)Artemisia annua L. produce artemisinin, an endoperoxide sesquiterpene lactone, which is effective against resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum, the malarial parasite. Artemisinin in foliar tissue are localized entirely ... -
Karakter fisik dan kimia buah pepaya pada stadia kematangan berbeda
(2010)The objective of the experiment was to investigate the physical and chemical characteristics of three stadia of maturity based on a range of peel color from green to yellow or based on percentage of the yellow area of ... -
Karakter Morfo-Fisiologi Daun, Penciri Adaptasi Kedelai terhadap Intensitas Cahaya Rendah
(2007)The main objective of this study was to identify the leaf morpho-physiological characters as markers for adaptation of soybean to low light intensity. The field experiment was conducted using split plot design with 3 ... -
Karakterisasi dan Analisis Gerombol Plasma Nutfah Jarak Pagar Indonesia dan Beberapa Negara Lain Menggunakan Marka Morfologi dan Molekuler
(2009)Characterization is important in breeding program and developing superior varieties of jatropha. Jatropha characterization can be analyzed based on its morphological and agronomical characteristics. In this study, a molecular ... -
Karakterisasi Morfologi Bunga dan Buah Abnormal Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) Hasil Kultur Jaringan
(2007)Tissue culture-derived plants of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) can produce abnormal female dan male flowers, especially female, which develop into mantled fruit. This abnormality have caused yield lost up to 40%. The ... -
Karakteristik Kimia Lahan Gambut Dangkal dan Potensinya untuk Pertanaman Cabai dan Tomat
(2006)Experiment was conducted on shallow peat with depth (50 - 75 cm) and C/D flooding type at Purwodadi village, Maliku District, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan in wet season 2003. Ten samples were taken from areal ... -
Kejut Tanam Pindah Cara Cabutan pada Pembibitan Kelapa Sawit
(2002)To$& out the possibility of long distance transplantingj?om the pre to main nursey of oil palm, a research had been conducted to study the eflect of bare-root (soiless) and delayed transplanting on seedling growth.The ... -
Kekerabatan Genetik Populasi Bengkuang Pachyrhizus erosus Berdasarkan Karakter Morfolo Bunga dan Daun
(2006)Yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus) is widely cultivated in Central America, Africa, Asia and Pacific. The objective of the research was to analyse genetic relationships of yam bean originated from Indonesia compared to its ... -
Keragaan dan Keragaman Genetik Sifat-sifat Kuantitatif Kedelai (Glycine max L. Merrill) pada Generasi Seleksi F6 Persilangan Varietas Slamet x Nakhonsawan
(2007)A field experiment to obtain new improved soybean varieties with higher yield and seed size was conducted by crossing Slamet Variety (high yield, small seed size) with Nakhonsawan (large seed size) in order to produce F6 ... -
Keragaan Genetik dan Pendugaan Heritabilitas pada Komponen Hasil dan Kandungan â-Karoten Progeni Kelapa Sawit
(2009)An experiment to study heritability, general combining ability (GCA), and specific combining ability (SCA) of some traits in oil palm progeny was conducted at Kebun Surya Adi, PT. Bina Sawit Makmur, Sampoerna Agro, Ogan ... -
Keragaan Hasil Beberapa Galur Harapan Kacang Tanah di Lahan Sulfat Masam dan Lahan Lebak Dangkal
(2006)High soil acidity is one of the problems caused low groundnut productivity on South Kalimantan. Using adaptive variety is one effort for increasing yield. The objective of this research was to determine the yield performance ... -
Keragaan Hasil dan Daya Toleransi Genotipe Kedelai di Lahan Sulfat Masam
(2004)High soil acidity is one of the problems caused low soybean productivity on acid sulphate soil. Using tolerant variety is one effort for increasing soybean productivity on acid sulphate soil. The objective of theser ... -
Keragaan varietas dan galur padi tipe baru Indonesia dalam sistem ratun
(2010)Eighteen Indonesian new plant type (NPT) of rice varieties and lines were evaluated in a ratoon system. The results showed that ratooning ability was related to the vegetative growth prior to harvest, which gave high ... -
Keragaman Dalam Berbagai Komponen Hasil Kacang Buncis Dan Kacang Jogo (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.)
(1980)Eight varietes of snap bean had been used in this experiment, namely Lokal Garut, hawaiin Wonder, Surakarta, Processor, Manoa Wonder, Hawkesbury, Rich Green and Contender. There were 2 types of growth noted, the dwarf -and ... -
Keragaman Genetik dan Karakter Agronomi Galur Haploid Ganda Padi Gogo dengan Sifat-Sifat Tipe Baru Hasil Kultur Antera
(2009)The development of new plant type of upland rice in relatively short time can be done by using anther culture technique. The technique has been recognized as a rapid and efficient technology for plant improvement. Plant ... -
Keragaman Resistensi Terhadap Penyakit Layu Bakteri (Pseudomonas Solanacearum) Pada Tomat
(1981)Crosses and back-crosses were made between tomato lines resistant and susceptible to bacterial witt (Pseudomonas solanacearum) under field conditions in Bogor area. Both parents and the families of F l' back-crosses, and ... -
Keragaman Resistensi Terhadap Penyakit Layu Bakteri (Pseudomonas Solanacearum) Pada Tomat
(1980)VARIATION IN BACTERIAL WILT (Pseudomonas solanacaarum) RESISTANCE IN TOMATOES. Crosses and back-crosses were made between tomato lines resistant and susceptible to bacterial witt (Pseudomonas solan_arum) under field ...